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DUGi: Llistar Títols | dc.subject:"Funcional de densitat, Teoria del" | 175 - 200

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out url icon Recercat The influence of substituents and the environment on the NMR shielding constants of supramolecular complexes based on A-T and A-U base pairs Castro Aguilera, Abril Carolina ; Swart, Marcel ; Guerra, Célia Fonseca
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2017 The influence of substituents and the environment on the NMR shielding constants of supramolecular complexes based on A-T and A-U base pairs Castro Aguilera, Abril Carolina ; Swart, Marcel ; Guerra, Célia Fonseca
out url icon Recercat The ’innocent’ role of Sc3+ on a non-heme Fe catalyst in an O2 environment Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Cavallo, Luigi
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 The ’innocent’ role of Sc3+ on a non-heme Fe catalyst in an O2 environment Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Cavallo, Luigi
out url icon Recercat Insights into the decomposition of olefin metathesis precatalysts Manzini, Simone ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Nelson, David J. ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. ; Nolan, Steven P.
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Insights into the decomposition of olefin metathesis precatalysts Manzini, Simone ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Nelson, David J. ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. ; Nolan, Steven P.
out url icon Recercat Intramolecular [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions of Yne-ene-yne and Yne-yne-ene enediynes catalysed by Rh I: Experimental and theoretical mechanistic studies Dachs Soler, Anna ; Pla i Quintana, Anna ; Parella Coll, Teodor ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Roglans i Ribas, Anna
doc icon DUGiDocs desembre 2011 Intramolecular [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions of Yne-ene-yne and Yne-yne-ene enediynes catalysed by Rh I: Experimental and theoretical mechanistic studies Dachs Soler, Anna ; Pla i Quintana, Anna ; Parella Coll, Teodor ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Roglans i Ribas, Anna
out url icon Recercat Is coronene better described by Clar’s aromatic π-sextet model or by the AdNDP representation? Kumar, Anand ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
out url icon Recercat Is coronene better described by Clar’s aromatic π-sextet model or by the AdNDP representation? Kumar, Anand ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
out url icon Recercat Is coronene better described by Clar’s aromatic π-sextet model or by the AdNDP representation? Kumar, Anand ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Is coronene better described by Clar’s aromatic π-sextet model or by the AdNDP representation?
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Is coronene better described by Clar’s aromatic π-sextet model or by the AdNDP representation? Kumar, Anand ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Is coronene better described by Clar’s aromatic π-sextet model or by the AdNDP representation? Kumar, Anand ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
doc icon DUGiDocs Is coronene better described by Clar’s aromatic π-sextet model or by the AdNDP representation? Kumar, Anand ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
out url icon Recercat The linear response kernel of conceptual DFT as a measure of aromaticity Sablon, Nick ; de Proft, Frank ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Geerlings, Paul
doc icon DUGiDocs 21 març 2012 The linear response kernel of conceptual DFT as a measure of aromaticity Sablon, Nick ; De Proft, Frank ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Geerlings, Paul
doc icon DUGiDocs 2000 The mapping of the local contributions of Fermi and Coulomb correlation into intracule and extracule density distributions Fradera i Llinàs, Xavier ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Mestres i López, Jordi
out url icon Recercat The mapping of the local contributions of Fermi and Coulomb correlation into intracule and extracule density distributions Fradera i Llinàs, Xavier ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Mestres i López, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Mechanism of CO2 Fixation by IrI–X Bonds (X = OH, OR, N, C) Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Talarico, Giovanni ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
doc icon DUGiDocs octubre 2015 Mechanism of CO2 Fixation by IrI–X Bonds (X = OH, OR, N, C) Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Talarico, Giovanni ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
out url icon Recercat Mechanism of Intramolecular Rhodium- and Palladium-Catalyzed Alkene Alkoxyfunctionalizations Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Al-Ghamdi, Miasser ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Falivene, Laura ; Scaranto, Jessica ; Beetstra, Dirk J. ; Morton, Jason G. ; Cavallo, Luigi
doc icon DUGiDocs 14 desembre 2015 Mechanism of Intramolecular Rhodium- and Palladium-Catalyzed Alkene Alkoxyfunctionalizations Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Al-Ghamdi, Miasser ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Falivene, Laura ; Scaranto, Jessica ; Beetstra, Dirk J. ; Morton, Jason G. ; Cavallo, Luigi
out url icon Recercat The Mechanism of Stereospecific CH Oxidation by Fe(Pytacn) Complexes: Bioinspired Non-Heme Iron Catalysts Containing cis-Labile Exchangeable Sites Prat Casellas, Irene ; Company Casadevall, Anna ; Postils, Verònica ; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi ; Que, Lawrence ; Luis Luis, Josep Maria ; Costas Salgueiro, Miquel
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 The Mechanism of Stereospecific CH Oxidation by Fe(Pytacn) Complexes: Bioinspired Non-Heme Iron Catalysts Containing cis-Labile Exchangeable Sites Prat Casellas, Irene ; Company Casadevall, Anna ; Postils Ribó, Verònica ; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi ; Que, Lawrence ; Luis Luis, Josep Maria ; Costas Salgueiro, Miquel
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